Did You Fart?: A Matching & Memory Game by Nicholas M. Caruso ISBN:9781399626262

Did You Fart? by Nicholas M. Caruso

$25.00 Inc GST

Did you know that herrings use their farts to communicate with each other, that seals are notorious for having the smelliest farts in the animal kingdom, or that the Sonoran coral snake uses its farts as a defence mechanism when threatened by predators?

In this simple to play, colourful and engaging matching memory game, match 25 animals to the pumps, toots and trumps they let off and turn over more pairs than your opponent to win the game! Learn all about why zebra farts are so incredibly loud and how manatees use flatulence to help them float in the accompanying booklet, packed full of animal facts.

MATCH 26 ANIMALS to their toots, turn over more pairs than your opponent to win the game

SCREEN-FREE FUN for 2-4 players, fun for all the family

PLAY AND LEARN fascinating facts about your favourite animal and their farts in the booklet

LAURENCE KING has been capturing imaginations and inspiring creativity in new and unexpected ways for over 30 years, with playful and eye-catching games, gifts and books

Match 25 animals to the pumps, toots and trumps they let off in this colourful and engaging matching-memory game!

About the Author: Claudia Boldt (illustrator)

Claudia is a children’s book author and illustrator. Her work has been selected for the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition as well as the Dolly Parton Imagination Library and the White Ravens. She is a winner of the British BookTrust Best New Illustrators Award. Her absolute favourite animals to draw are sausage dogs.

Dr. Dani Rabaiotti and Dr. Nick Caruso (authors)

Dr. Dani is a zoologist and author based in London, UK. Dr. Nick is an American scientist based in southwestern Virginia. They have been researching animals farts and smelly facts together since 2017.

19 Sep 2024

Additional information




Card games

Readership Level

General (US: Trade)




Daniella Rabaiotti

Publication Date

19 Sep 2024

Did You Fart?: A Matching & Memory Game by Nicholas M. Caruso ISBN 9781399626262

4 in stock