Dinosaur Bingo by Caroline Selmes ISBN:9781786272416

Dinosaur Bingo by Caroline Selmes

$45.00 Inc GST

Play dinosaur bingo with a huge Giganotosaurus, an armour-plated Stegosaurus and many other fearsome dinos, in a kids edition of the popular adult Bingo game.

Easy to play and packed full of weird and wonderful creatures, Dinosaur Bingo will engage and delight children and parents for hours and hours. This fun and engaging take on a classic game is beautifully illustrated by Caroline Selmes and can be played with three to eight people, making it the perfect game for dinosaur-mad children to enjoy with their entire family.

The set contains 48 illustrated dino chips as well as a cardboard dinosaur head to store them in, plus an illustrated game board, eight double-sided bingo cards and Jurassic counters ready for players to mark up their cards and score those points.

Who will be the first to call Bingo?!

Roar-some dinosaurs featured include:

Allosaurus, Brontosaurus, Fabrosaurus, Maiasura, Pamparaptor, Spinosaurus, Alvarezsurus, Byronosaurus, Gigantosaurus, Micropachy-Cephalosaurus, Patagotitan, Stegosaurus, Amargasaurus, Carnotaurus, Hadrosaurus, Microraptor, Pentaceratops, Styracosaurus, Anchiornis, Centrosaurus, Herrerasaurus, Nodosaurs, Plateosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Anchisaurus, Chasmosaurus, Heterodontosaurus, Ornithomimus, Polacanthus, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Diplodocus, Hypsilophodon, Ouranosaurus, Saurolophus, Tyrannosaurus, Archaeopteryx, Edmontosaurus, Irritator, Oviraptor, Scolosaurus, Velociraptor, Brachiosaurus, Euhelopus, Lambeosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Sinosauropteryx, Vulcanodon

Also Available in the Laurence King Bingo series:

Royal Bingo, Bug Bingo, Monkey Bingo, Scary Bingo, Dog Bingo, Cat Bingo, Bird Bingo, Ocean Bingo, Jungle Bingo

An easy-to-play bingo game for children and families

About the Author: Caroline Selmes (Illustrator)

Caroline Selmes is an illustrator and former advertising art director based in Barcelona. Her projects for Laurence King include I Saw it First! Jungle, I Saw it First! Ocean, Dinosaur Bingo, Jungle Bingo and Who's Hiding in the Jungle?


Additional information


Board games

Readership Level

Children / Juvenile



Date of Publication

06 Aug 2018

Dinosaur Bingo by Caroline Selmes ISBN 9781786272416

5 in stock