12 Spetember 2022
winners: 2022 kids’ writing competition
We are delighted to announce the winners of this year’s competition! What an absolute joy it was to be able to celebrate together in store, especially with the wonderful Danielle Binks to bestow the honours.
Thank you to every single one of you who put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard to create your wonderful stories. What amazing places we can go when we ‘dream with our eyes open’.
Each of our winning entries were standouts in their age groups, but for those of you who haven’t won a prize this year – we thoroughly enjoyed reading your creations too. Keep honing your skills and maybe 2023 will be your turn!
We hope you enjoy reading through and looking at the winning entries as much as we have.

Prep to Year 2
WINNER: Kate Goddard for Bilby and Baby Lorikeet
RUNNER UP: Mieke Kelly for What it’s Like to Daydream
Years 3 & 4
WINNER: Zoe Edmund for Fly
RUNNER UP: Erica Maxwell for Oak’s Big Dream
Years 5 & 6
WINNER: Ella Pleiter-Singleton for Raining Up
RUNNER UP: Sophia Van Zanten for Under the Moon
Years 7 to 9
WINNER: Ally Russo for Dreams
RUNNER UP: Camryn Small for Dreaming with Eyes Open
Years 10 to 12
WINNER (SHORT STORIES): Sylvia Mackie for Ethura: Birth of a Dragon
WINNER (POETRY): Zoe Richards for My Eyes are Open, Aren’t They?